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UNEATLANTICO teachers, Josep Alemany and Álvaro Velarde, publish a study on the training of basketball coaches in Cantabria

UNEATLANTICO teachers, Josep Alemany and Álvaro Velarde, publish a study on the training of basketball coaches in Cantabria

The professors of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) Josep Alemany, academic director of the Degree in Primary Education and of the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary and Bachelor's Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, and Dr. Álvaro Velarde, teacher,researcher, and academic coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in the Sports Area, publish a research on the influence of e-learning training on the acquisition of skills in basketball coaches in Cantabria.

Call for participation is now open for the 13th edition of the “Addictions: Your Point of View” contest

Call for participation is now open for the 13th edition of the “Addictions: Your Point of View” contest

The Social Promotion and Development Association (Asociación Promoción y Desarrollo Social, PDS) has announced the thirteenth edition of the contest  “Addictions: Your Point of View” (Adicciones: tu punto de mira), supported by the Spanish Network of Health Promoting Universities (Red Española de Universidades Promotoras de Salud, REUPS) and funded by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs.

IOI and IIAA students from UNEATLANTICO visit the industrial area of Otero as part of their practical training

IOI and IIAA students from UNEATLANTICO visit the industrial area of Otero as part of their practical training

Fourth-year students of the Industrial Organization Engineering degrees (IOI) and Agricultural and Agro-Food Engineering (IIAA) of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) carried out a site visit in the construction of an industrial building, located at the industrial area of Otero (polígono industrial de Otero) in Igollo de Camargo.