Tag: Universidad Europea del Atlántico Archives - Page 14 of 25 - Uneatlantico News

The auditorium of UNEATLANTICO hosts a colloquium talk with a screening of the documentary “ARSUARA”

The auditorium of UNEATLANTICO hosts a colloquium talk with a screening of the documentary “ARSUARA”

The auditorium of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) hosts the screening of the documentary "ARSUARA" about an expedition to Turkish Kurdistan, given by Raquel García Ceballos, Toño Ojugas Ruiz, and José Román Benito, with the presence of first-year students of the degrees in Audiovisual Communication (CA), Advertising and Public Relations (PRP), and Journalism (PER).

FIDBAN appoints Diego Lainz as new director of the Foundation in an event held at UNEATLANTICO

FIDBAN appoints Diego Lainz as new director of the Foundation in an event held at UNEATLANTICO

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) hosted a meeting with the Board of Trustees of the Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (Innovation and Development Foundation, FIDBAN) in which Víctor Gijón, outgoing director, has officially left his position, preparing to undertake a new project to support startups while his successor, Diego Lainz, professor at UNEATLANTICO and former executive of Liberbank, takes the reins of the Foundation.

UNEATLANTICO and the Cantabria Pickleball Association sign an agreement to promote and strengthen this sport

UNEATLANTICO and the Cantabria Pickleball Association sign an agreement to promote and strengthen this sport

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and the Cantabria Pickleball Association have signed an agreement to collaborate in the promotion and encouragement of pickleball among the students at the university. The signing of the agreement took place in the boardroom of UNEATLANTICO, in the presence of the rector of the University, Rubén Calderón; the head of the International Service of Agreements and Sports Agreements (Servicio Internacional de Convenios y Acuerdos Deportivos, SICAD), Josep Alemany; and the president of the Association, Pedro Gutiérrez Gómez.