UNEATLANTICO signs collaboration agreement with the Fundación Española del Aparato Digestivo (Spanish Digestive System Foundation)
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) and the Fundación Española del Aparato Digestivo (FEAD) agree on a collaboration agreement for student training through academic, scientific and cultural activities.

UNEATLANTICO first year students visit the Cabárceno Nature Park as an integration activity
As an integration activity, incoming international students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) had the opportunity to attend an activity organized by the International Relations Office (ORI) and the Mentoring area in collaboration with the team of the Cabárceno Nature Park on the occasion of their welcome.

III International Congress on Climate Action (CIACC): The essential forum to respond to the global climate emergency
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) organizes the International Congress on Climate Action (CIACC) in collaboration with the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and the Business and Climate Foundation (FEC). This congress was born out of the vital need to address the climate emergency.

Mario Villoria, UNEATLANTICO student, attends the CEUNE Plenary Session on behalf of the University
The sub-delegate of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and student of the degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE), Mario Villoria, attends the celebration of the CEUNE Plenary on behalf of the University.

Meet the representatives of the countries participating in the V Panamerican Pre-University Debate League of UNEATLANTICO
The Pan-American Pre-University Debate League, organized for the fifth time by the Universidad Europa del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), faces this week its final stretch. Once the different national competitions, which will determine which team will represent each country, are over, the debates between nations will begin.

Aurelio Corral brings his experience in Biomechanics of Cycling to students of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
In a practical session as part of the subject "Biomechanics of Human Movement" taught by the teacher Ainhoa Bores of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD), the students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) had the opportunity to learn directly from Aurelio "Yeyo" Corral, an expert in biomechanics and cycling performance.

The Talent Tour 2024 arrives at UNEATLANTICO with the workshop “Turn your ideas into solutions with Power Platform and Artificial Intelligence”.
The Talent Tour 2024 kicked off on April 22, with one of its first sessions held at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO). The workshop "Turn your ideas into solutions with Power Platform and Artificial Intelligence" was aimed at all students of the degrees taught by the University, as well as anyone interested in the subject.

UNEATLANTICO stands out for its participation in the Spanish University Surfing Championships
Since April 23, the Spanish University Badminton and Surfing Championships have been held, events organized by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), with the outstanding performance of its students.

Successful start of the Spanish University Badminton and Surfing Championships 2024 in Cantabria
Since April 23 have begun the Championships of Spain University Badminton and Surfing 2024, events organized by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and will run until April 26 in the towns of Santander and Somo.

The III Short Film Festival of the European University of the Atlantic to be held on campus is approaching
The third edition of the UNEATLANTICO Short Film Festival will be held on May 22 and 23, 2024, at the university campus. For the three best short films, there will be a prize of 300 € to be shared among them. Also, apart from the 10 categories already established, the "Federico Fernández Special Award" will be presented again. Registration for the festival officially closes on April 28th at 23:59.