These are the activities allowed in Cantabria during Phase 2 of the de-escalation
On Monday, May 25th, the community of Cantabria managed to transition into Phase 2 of the de-escalation through the Orden JUS/430/2020. However, there may be some doubts about what…

The Cantabrian Community achieves its objective and moves onto Phase 2 of the de-escalation
Phase 2 is the third of the phases that the Spanish Government has established for the country’s social and economic deconfinement. Cantabria has achieved its objective thanks to the commitment and responsibility of…

Cantabria Begins its Path Towards Normalizing its Day-to-Day Activities
The Province of Cantabria has officially entered phase 1 of the Plan to transition toward new activities as decreed by the Spanish Government. As detailed in El Diario Montañés,…

Today we spoke with Lourdes Vaquero, head of the Academic Secretary’s Department at the European University of the Atlantic
Under such an exceptional situation, most of the questions are related to adapting the model to the educational context, its manner of implementation, and the exam dates. In recent years we have developed…

The health situation in Cantabria leads us to trust in a progressive return to normalcy
Every health indicator in the region is better than the country’s average. Regional authorities are planning a gradual return to normalcy The European University of the Atlantic is in permanent contact with the…

The European University of the Atlantic activates its distance learning mode
Today, online courses began to be taught at the virtual campus of the European University of the Atlantic. It is a gradual process that aims to successfully conclude the…

“Music is the social glue.” Professor Matteo Conti explains the benefits of music in an interview with El Diario Montañés
The Proyecto Crece, an initiative of El Diario Montañés, wanted the participation of Matteo Conti, a professor of Music Education at the European University of…

Olympic Medalist Ruth Beitia’s Message to UNEATLANTICO Students
The current Olympic champion on high jump and professor of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the European University of the Atlantic, Ruth Beitia, has transmitted…

New Edition of the PHotoFUNIBER 2020 International Competition
FUNIBER organizes the event in collaboration with the European University of the Atlantic, with the second edition of PHotoFUNIBER with the objective of contemplating the world from another perspective.

The film director Nacho Solana says that “A great number of movies and short films inspired by the coronavirus and confinement will be made”
Nacho Solana, the film director and university professor in the Audiovisual Communication degree from the European University of the Atlantic has been interviewed by El…