Meet the winners of the fourth edition of the PHotoFUNIBER’22 International Photography Contest
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), through its Cultural Works, has published the list of winners of the fourth edition of the PHotoFUNIBER’22 International Photography contest. The contest…

Meeting begins for the European project, Dieting Lab, led by UNEATLANTICO
The European University of the Atlantic leads the European project Dieting_Lab, which is funded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE, Spanish Agency of…

UNEATLANTICO-led project DigitalTA selected for new Erasmus+ Professor Academies
The European Commission has announced the first projects selected for the new Erasmus+ Professor Academies. Among these is DigitalTA, led by the European University of the Atlantic…

UNEATLANTICO participated in a study on the benefits of strawberry extract consumption in relation to Alzheimer’s disease
Research focused on the bioactive components of the strawberry variety Romina, in which the European University of the Atlantic participated, has demonstrated the capacity of this food to delay paralysis…

UNEATLANTICO launches the Language Support Service which will be run by students of the degree in Applied Languages.
The European University of the Atlantic is launching a Language Support Service. This service was created by the doctor and director of the degrees…

University Orientation Days offered a triple overview of university careers: that of academics, professionals, and graduates
The first edition of the University Orientation Days, which were held on campus in four sessions over two weeks, offered an interesting perspective on the degree courses that make up the institution’s academic…

UNEATLANTICO signs the Paris Declaration, an initiative of eleven European universities to form an educational consortium
The director of the International Relations Office of the European University of the Atlantic, Juan Luis Vidal, has returned from Paris, where the institution has signed a…

European project Digital TA led by UNEATLANTICO participates in a new international meeting
The European project Erasmus + Digital TA (2022-25), led by the European University of the Atlantic has been invited to speak at the European Ministerial Conference “Embedding European perspectives in…

UNEATLANTICO welcomed French students from the Grande École d’Ingenieurs who are joining the school for the second semester
The French students from the Grande École d’Ingenieurs (ESEO) who will study this second semester in Cantabria were welcomed at the auditorium of the European University of the Atlantic. Professor…

FUNIBER creates the first inter-university chair in Spanish and Portuguese language studies with the participation of UNEATLANTICO
The Iberoamerican University Foundation and its network of universities on three continents have created the FUNIBER Chair of Iberoamerican Studies and Iberophony, the first of its kind to study the Ibero-speaking world of…