
The Obra Cultural de FUNIBER y UNEATLANTICO exhibits Dalí’s “The Divine Comedy” in Mexico

The Obra Cultural de FUNIBER y UNEATLANTICO exhibits Dalí’s “The Divine Comedy” in Mexico

The Museo de los Conspiradores en Querétaro (Museum of the Conspirators in Querétaro) (Mexico) is hosting the exhibition "The Divine Comedy by Salvador Dalí, in collaboration with the Obra Cultural de FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO (Cultural Work of FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO), the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University of Mexico, UNINI Mexico), and the Secretary of Culture through the Dirección de Difusión y Patrimonio Cultural de Querétaro (Queretaro's Cultural Heritage and Diffusion Department).

José Luis Nieto tours Spain with his “Pasión de Falla” tour and the support of the Obra Cultural of UNEATLANTICO

José Luis Nieto tours Spain with his “Pasión de Falla” tour and the support of the Obra Cultural of UNEATLANTICO

The international virtuoso pianist, José Luis Nieto, has left his mark throughout Spain with his exciting "Pasión de Falla" (de Falla Passion) tour, supported by the Obra Cultural de la Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Cultural Work of the Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER) and the Universidad Europea del Atlántico  (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO). From Pinto to Sagunto, Nieto has captivated audiences by masterfully fusing iconic pieces by Spanish composer Manuel de Falla.

The rector of UNEATLANTICO, Rubén Calderón, holds an important meeting in Madrid with the president of the FEMTCI

The rector of UNEATLANTICO, Rubén Calderón, holds an important meeting in Madrid with the president of the FEMTCI

Last Thursday, November 2, 2023, an important meeting took place between the rector of the European University of the Atlantic (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), Rubén Calderón, and the president of the Fundación Europea de Medicina Tradicional Complementaria e Integrativa (European Foundation for Complementary and Integrative Traditional Medicine), Dr. Ramón María Calduch, in the facilities of the FEMTCI in Madrid.

Cultura opens at UNEATLANTICO an exhibition, bringing together three Pablo Picasso collections

Cultura opens at UNEATLANTICO an exhibition, bringing together three Pablo Picasso collections

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso, one of the most outstanding artists of the 20th Century, and in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), the exhibition hall of the university has joined both tributes with the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the work of Pablo Picasso.

UNEATLANTICO commemorates the International Women’s Entrepreneurship Day with the profound perspective of Meri Ingelmo, teacher and CEO of Las Hermanísimas

UNEATLANTICO commemorates the International Women’s Entrepreneurship Day with the profound perspective of Meri Ingelmo, teacher and CEO of Las Hermanísimas

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) joins this Sunday, November 19, the celebration of the International Women's Entrepreneurship Day, an initiative promoted by the United Nations in 2014 to recognize the effort and courage of women entrepreneurs, raise awareness of the challenges in the business and financial world, and contribute to female empowerment.

UNEATLANTICO organizes the International Solidarity Campaign – Toy Drive and will donate its contribution to the Fundación CUIN for the Aid and Protection of Children and Youth in Cantabria

UNEATLANTICO organizes the International Solidarity Campaign – Toy Drive and will donate its contribution to the Fundación CUIN for the Aid and Protection of Children and Youth in Cantabria

The Oficina de Cooperación y Acción Social (Cooperation and Social Action Office, OCAS) of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) is organizing, together with the Social Action area of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), the International Solidarity Campaign - Toy Drive.