UNEATLANTICO students attend the opening of the Foro de Periodismo Matilde Zapata with Ángeles Espinosa
Ángeles Espinosa, former El País correspondent, an analyst on Arab and Islamic world affairs, opened the Foro de Periodismo Matilde Zapata (Matilde Zapata Journalism Forum) of the Colegio de Periodistas de Cantabria (Cantabria College of Journalists) by explaining the geopolitical keys of the countries of the Middle East. The talk by Espinosa, who has three decades of experience as a correspondent in Dubai, Tehran, Baghdad, Cairo, and Beirut, took place in the Sala María Blanchard (María Blanchard Hall) of the Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria (Festival Palace of Cantabria).

UNEATLANTICO presents protection scheme for transmission lines using signal processing
A researcher from the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) collaborates in a research that presents a transmission line protection scheme using a hybrid combination of signal processing techniques.

Roberto Ruiz, Secretary General of UNEATLANTICO, is touring Central America to promote the internationalization of the university
Between February 24 and March 19, the Vice Rector for International Relations and Secretary General of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), Dr. Roberto Ruiz, made an extensive tour of the Central American region to promote the internationalization processes of the university campus, as well as to offer universities with which there is already a collaboration agreement the possibility of accepting new undergraduate and postgraduate degrees (masters and doctorates), double degrees, and to promote mobility programs and temporary stays for students and teachers.