Archive: Mon Nov 2023

Judge Marta Solana receives the Onda Cero’s Premio Mujer Cantabria sponsored by UNEATLANTICO

Judge Marta Solana receives the Onda Cero’s Premio Mujer Cantabria sponsored by UNEATLANTICO

The academic director of the Communication degrees, Ana Visiers, and Professor Helena Garay, responsible for Extensión Cultural (Cultural Extension), are representing the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), one of the sponsors of the event, to the presentation of the  Premio Mujer Cantabria 2023 (Cantabria Woman Award 2023), granted by Onda Cero.

Carlos Lago and Josep Alemany represent UNEATLANTICO in a meeting with the General Director of Deporte to follow up on their collaboration and promote new initiatives

Carlos Lago and Josep Alemany represent UNEATLANTICO in a meeting with the General Director of Deporte to follow up on their collaboration and promote new initiatives

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) held last Tuesday, November 21, a meeting with the General Director of Deportes (Sports), Susana Ruiz. Josep Alemany, head of the Servicio Internacional de Convenios y Acuerdos Deportivos (International Service of Sports Agreements and Conventions, SICAD), and Dr. Carlos Lago, academic director of the degree in Sport and Exercise Science, represented the academic institution at the meeting.

UNEATLANTICO joins forces once again with the Asociación Ciudadana Cántabra Antisida during the European HIV Testing Week

UNEATLANTICO joins forces once again with the Asociación Ciudadana Cántabra Antisida during the European HIV Testing Week

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) has joined the European Testing Week, in collaboration with the Asociación Ciudadana Anti-Sida (Citizens' Anti-AIDS Association, ACCAS), to raise awareness on the importance of this test. The University provided the Association with a room for the tests in a collaborationwith the University's Oficina de Cooperación y Acción Social (Office of Cooperation and Social Action, OCAS).