Rubén Calderón, rector of UNEATLANTICO, holds a meeting with Tomás Dasgoas, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria
The Rector of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), Rubén Calderón, has received a visit from Tomás Dasgoas Rodríguez, president of the Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria,…

A group of CAFYD students from UNEATLANTICO learn about the history and practice of Cantabrian bowling from the Federación Cántabra de Bolos
After the success of last year’s meeting, the Federación Cántabra de Bolos (Cantabrian Bowling Federation) has once again invited the students of the Degree in Sport and Exercise Science of the Universidad…

UNEATLANTICO holds information sessions for students wishing to participate in the Erasmus+ program 2024-2025
The Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales (International Relations Office, ORI) of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) offers an informative talk to students of different degrees interested in the call for mobility under the Erasmus+ program and bilateral agreements.