Sofía Gómez, student of Business Administration and Management, presents the volunteer group of UNEATLANTICO
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), through the management of the Oficina de Cooperación y Acción Social (Cooperation and Social Action Office, OCAS), is launching one…

The Angolan embassy in Spain celebrates the anniversary of the country’s independence with UNEATLANTICO in attendance
On November 10, the Embassy of Angola in Madrid celebrated the 48th anniversary of the country's independence with the convening of an official reception in the capital of Spain in which participated the Iberoamerican University Foundation and the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza (International University of Cuanza, UNIC), represented on that occasion by the director of Institutional Relations of FUNIBER and the Cátedra de Estudios Iberoamericanos y de la Iberofonía (Chair of Ibero-American Studies and Iberophony), of which UNIC is part, Dr. F. Álvaro Durántez, professor at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO).