Dr. Silvia Aparicio, Vice-Rector of Academic Planning and Faculty of UNEATLANTICO, attends the CONFEDE held in Ourense
Dr. Silvia Aparicio, Vice Rector for Academic Planning and Faculty of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), highlighted the value of European alliances in the internationalization of universities during the last Conferencia de Decanos de Economía y Empresas (Conference of Deans of Economics and Business, CONFEDE), held at the Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism of Ourense of the University of Vigo and which brought together more than 70 faculties from all over Spain.

UNEATLANTICO teachers, Sandra Sumalla and Iñaki Elío, collaborate in the “Libro Blanco sobre Meriendas Infantiles 2023”
Dr. Sandra Sumalla, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and Iñaki Elío, academic director of the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics collaborate in the "Libro Blanco sobre Meriendas Infantiles 2023" (White Paper on Children's Snacks 2023), a comprehensive research promoted by the Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Yogur y Postres Lácteos Frescos (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Yogurt and Fresh Dairy Desserts, AEFY).

Carlota González, student of UNEATLANTICO, present at the training sessions of the Spanish national handball team prior to the World Cup
Carlota González, a fourth year student of the degree in Sport and Exercise Science and goalkeeper of UNEATLANTICO Pereda, trained with "Las Guerreras" (The Warriors) during the stay of the national team in Santander for the dispute of the Torneo Internacional de España 2023 (International Tournament of Spain 2023).

Judge Marta Solana receives the Onda Cero’s Premio Mujer Cantabria sponsored by UNEATLANTICO
The academic director of the Communication degrees, Ana Visiers, and Professor Helena Garay, responsible for Extensión Cultural (Cultural Extension), are representing the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), one of the sponsors of the event, to the presentation of the Premio Mujer Cantabria 2023 (Cantabria Woman Award 2023), granted by Onda Cero.

Carlos Lago and Josep Alemany represent UNEATLANTICO in a meeting with the General Director of Deporte to follow up on their collaboration and promote new initiatives
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) held last Tuesday, November 21, a meeting with the General Director of Deportes (Sports), Susana Ruiz. Josep Alemany, head of the Servicio Internacional de Convenios y Acuerdos Deportivos (International Service of Sports Agreements and Conventions, SICAD), and Dr. Carlos Lago, academic director of the degree in Sport and Exercise Science, represented the academic institution at the meeting.

UNEATLANTICO joins forces once again with the Asociación Ciudadana Cántabra Antisida during the European HIV Testing Week
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) has joined the European Testing Week, in collaboration with the Asociación Ciudadana Anti-Sida (Citizens' Anti-AIDS Association, ACCAS), to raise awareness on the importance of this test. The University provided the Association with a room for the tests in a collaborationwith the University's Oficina de Cooperación y Acción Social (Office of Cooperation and Social Action, OCAS).

CAFYD students from UNEATLANTICO explore the inclusion of people with special needs in sports with the Club Santander Hockey Plus
The students of the Physical Activity and Sports Sciences degree (CAFYD) of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) actively participated in an enriching master class offered by the club Santander Hockey Plus (Santander Hockey Plus club). The main focus of the session was the importance of fostering inclusion in the sports arena, especially as it relates to people with special needs.

UNEATLANTICO joins the movement for the elimination of violence against women
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) joins the celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated tomorrow, November 25.

UNEATLANTICO and Martimba sign an agreement to promote padel and organize tournaments on campus
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and Martimba have formalized a collaboration agreement for the promotion of padel in the region. The signing took place on Wednesday in the campus boardroom, with the presence of the rector of the University, Ruben Calderón; the head of the Servicio Internacional de Convenios y Acuerdos Deportivos (International Service of Sports Agreements and Covenants, SICAD), Josep Alemany; and David González, founding partner of Martimba.

Alba Tapia, hearing and language specialist teacher, conducts a talk at UNEATLANTICO on the fundamentals of Special Education
Alba Tapia, a professional of the Guidance Team of the CEIP María Sanz de Sautuola of Santander, shared her experience and knowledge with the students of the Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary and Bachelor's Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), to whom she offered a valuable perspective in the module of Fundamentals of Special Education: Processes of Attention to Diversity.