Tag: Universidad Europea del Atlántico Archives - Page 16 of 25 - Uneatlantico News

UNEATLANTICO and the Professional Association of Economists of Asturias sign an agreement for academic, scientific, and cultural collaboration

UNEATLANTICO and the Professional Association of Economists of Asturias sign an agreement for academic, scientific, and cultural collaboration

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and the Professional Association of Economists of Asturias (Colegio Profesional de Economistas de Asturias, CEA) have signed a collaboration agreement that represents a great opportunity for both institutions for academic, scientific, and cultural exchange, as well as the development of future collaborations.  

Antonio Gómez, Aldasoro, and Ignacio Torrescusa will attend UNEATLANTICO to give the first talk on “Sport and Health: Voices that Inspire”

Antonio Gómez, Aldasoro, and Ignacio Torrescusa will attend UNEATLANTICO to give the first talk on “Sport and Health: Voices that Inspire”

"Sport and Health: Voices that Inspire" (Deporte y salud: voces que inspiran) is a series of educational talks co-organized by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), the Real Racing Club Foundation (Fundación Real Racing Club), and the Royal Cantabrian Football Federation (Real Federación Cántabra de Fútbol). It will consist of four sessions held between February and May, one Monday of each month, at the University's auditorium.