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UNEATLANTICO welcomes the Ambassador of the Republic of Angola in Spain

UNEATLANTICO welcomes the Ambassador of the Republic of Angola in Spain

 Dr. Alfredo Dombe, Angolan Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain, visited the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) where he was welcomed by the university authorities and the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), an institution that promotes the articulation of the multinational space of Iberophony through educational, cultural, and technical cooperation. The Angolan high representative participated in a business meeting held at the university.

ADE students from UNEATLANTICO attend activities of economic institutions in the region: CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria and SODERCAN

ADE students from UNEATLANTICO attend activities of economic institutions in the region: CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria and SODERCAN

The Degree in Business Administration (ADE) of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), directed by the Vice Rector for Academic Planning and Faculty, Dr. Silvia Aparicio Obregón, periodically shares with her students enriching training activities from different economic institutions: CEOE, APD, Chamber of Commerce, Cemide, College of Economists, among others. In this way, students can acquire competencies and learning outcomes, such as communicating adequately in different scenarios, analyzing, and searching for information on business administration, skills in personal interrelationships, exercising criticism and self-criticism, learning autonomously, leadership, or concern for environmental issues.