Call for entries for the 14th edition of the competitions «Adicciones: Tu Punto de Mira»
The Tu Punto de Mira, promoted by the Spanish Network of Health Promoting Universities (REUPS) and supported by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health, has opened the inscriptions for the 14th edition of its competition ‘ Addictions: Your Point of View" competition. With the aim of promoting critical reflection and awareness of the risks of addictive behaviours, this competition seeks to encourage the creation of preventive messages among young people, especially through social networks.
Call for participation is now open for the 13th edition of the “Addictions: Your Point of View” contest
The Social Promotion and Development Association (Asociación Promoción y Desarrollo Social, PDS) has announced the thirteenth edition of the contest “Addictions: Your Point of View” (Adicciones: tu punto de mira), supported by the Spanish Network of Health Promoting Universities (Red Española de Universidades Promotoras de Salud, REUPS) and funded by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs.