Tag: degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Uneatlantico News

Aurelio Corral brings his experience in Biomechanics of Cycling to students of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

Aurelio Corral brings his experience in Biomechanics of Cycling to students of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

In a practical session as part of the subject "Biomechanics of Human Movement" taught by the teacher Ainhoa Bores of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD), the students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) had the opportunity to learn directly from Aurelio "Yeyo" Corral, an expert in biomechanics and cycling performance.

Dr Carlos Lago participates in the Teacher Training Plan with his talk on the ESPADE Program

Dr Carlos Lago participates in the Teacher Training Plan with his talk on the ESPADE Program

Dr. Carlos Lago Fuentes, academic director of the degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFYD) at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), participated in the Teacher Training Plan organized by the Technical Unit of Educational Quality of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Universities of the Government of Cantabria, with his talk on the ESPADE Program, entitled: "The management of educational programs with young athletes".