José Ramos Vivas, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO, has given a lecture at the XII edition of the International Master’s Degree in Marine Cultivation.
Dr. José Ramos Vivas, lecturer and researcher at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), has given several lectures at the International Master in Marine Cultures, taught at the ECOAQUA Institute of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

UNEATLANTICO: 10 years consolidating higher education in Cantabria
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), in the framework of its tenth anniversary and eleventh academic year, has reaffirmed its position as a university reference in the region. In a recent interview broadcast by Cadena COPE Cantabria, Dr. Silvia Aparicio, Vice Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, analysed the milestones achieved and outlined the future projections of this educational institution.

UNEATLANTICO students take part in a debate on gender violence organised by El Diario Montañés
Lorena Maza, Paula Arroyo, Inés Fernández and Emiliano Castillo, students of the degrees in Communication and Business Administration and Management (ADE) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) participate in a debate on male violence in the framework of the 25N.

Communication students attend the live broadcast of the local magazine of COPE Cantabria
Students of the degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations of the European University of the Atlantic have learned first-hand how a radio programme is broadcast. On this occasion Cristina Jimeno presented the magazine of the COPE channel from the University's Assembly Hall, with the participation of some members of the UNEATLANTICO community.

Cape Verde inaugurates the exhibition ‘Illustra Casanova’ by Salvador Dalí, part of the Cultural Work of UNEATLANTICO
The Obra Cultural de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), in collaboration with the Fundación Canaria para la Acción Exterior (FUCAEX) of the Government of the Canary Islands, presents in the city of Praia, Cape Verde, the exhibition ‘Ilustra Casanova’ by the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, offering the Cape Verdean public the unique opportunity to contemplate the surrealism that has transformed the contemporary art scene.

UNEATLANTICO organizes the webinar “The first revision of the Telecommunications Policy. eEurope Initiative”
UNEATLANTICO will organize, next December 3 at 16:00 hours (GMT+1), the webinar in Spanish “The first revision of the Telecommunications Policy. eEurope Initiative”. The session will be given by Miguel López…

The Dean of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Central China Normal University (CCNU) visits the European University of the Atlantic (UEA)
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) received the visit of Dr. Lianggong Luo, dean and professor of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Central China Normal University (CCNU), together with Mr. Dong Chen, FUNIBER's delegate in China. Upon their arrival, they were welcomed by the Rector, Dr. Rubén Calderón, the Secretary General, Dr. Roberto Ruiz, and the Head of the International Relations Office, Dr. Juan Luis Vidal.

Paula Quijano, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO, participates in a conference organised by the University of Wroclaw
Paula Quijano, academic coordinator of the Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages Degrees at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), participated and gave a lecture at the Linguistische Juniorentreffen in Wroclaw conference organised by the University of Wroclaw, located in Poland.

UNEATLANTICO and universities of the FUNIBER network are once again organising an international solidarity campaign
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), through its cooperation office and Social Action Area (OCAS), and in collaboration with the International University of Cuanza(UNIC), the International Ibero-American University of Mexico (UNINI Mexico), the International University Foundation of Colombia (UNINCOL), the International Ibero-American University (UNIB) and the University of La Romana (UNIROMANA), are organising the International Solidarity Campaign to collect toys.

UNEATLANTICO joins the movement for the elimination of violence against women for the 25N
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) joins, one more year, the movement of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women which is celebrated to raise awareness today November 25th.