UNEATLANTICO and Santander Bank strengthen ties to promote the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and Banco Santander have signed the sponsorship contract for the II Prize of the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry UNEATLANTICO-Santander. The signing of the agreement took place at the headquarters of Banco Santander on Wednesday, May 29. The agreement between the institutions is the basis for promoting the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry (CIIA), which aims to contribute to the development of projects and research in the food sector that is part of the academic lines taught at the university.

CAFYD students visit Futbox as part of the course Collective Sports IV: Soccer
Students studying the degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFYD) at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) carried out a practice of the subject Collective Sports IV: Football in the facilities of Futbox Santander, in which they carried out collaborative activities for learning the physical preparation of the goalkeeper.

UNEATLANTICO celebrates the awarding of degrees to students from Guatemala who received scholarships from FUNIBER
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) together with the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México (UNINI Mexico) have organized a diploma award ceremony for Guatemalan students who have completed their online graduate studies through the scholarship plan of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER).