Registration to submit entries for the 8th UNEATLANTICO short story contest is open
The eighth edition of the Short Story Contest of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European Atlantic University, UNEATLANTICO) is on its way. The deadline to submit entries is April 19, and the awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 8.

UNEATLANTICO professor Samuel Allende Monje and student Deva Nuñez Corrales take part in the Tiempo Mujer Conference
The Tiempo Mujer Conference, an event organized on the occasion of International Women's Day and held at the Chamber of Commerce of Torrelavega by the Association of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, Traders, and Self-Employees of Cantabria (Asociación de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios, Comerciantes y Autónomos de Cantabria, APEMECAC), had the participation of Samuel Allende Monje, academic coordinator of the degree in Primary Education of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), and Deva Nuñez Corrales, 4th-year delegate of the Primary Education degree.