UNEATLANTICO studies the impact of human resources management on a company’s performance
Dr. Marco Antonio Rojo and Professor Mirtha Silvana Garat, researchers from the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), collaborate in a study on the effect of innovative human resources management practices on a company's performance.

UNEATLANTICO participates in a new edition of the ‘Study in Spain’ fairs in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) stands out in the "Study in Spain" (Estudiar en España) fairs, events organized by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación, SEPIE) in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and in San Juan (Puerto Rico).