The Obra Cultural de FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO presents a Dalí exhibition in El Salvador
The Museo Nacional de Antropología Dr. David J. Guzmán (Dr. David J. Guzmán National Museum of Anthropology, MUNA) is hosting the collections "The Drolatic Dreams of Pantagruel" and "Las cenas de Gala" (The Gala Dinners), in collaboration with the Obra Cultural de FUNIBER y UNEATLANTICO (Cultural Work of FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO) and the Ministerio de Cultura de El Salvador (Ministry of Culture of El Salvador) .

FIDBAN, an entity promoted by UNEATLANTICO, invites the community to participate in the activities of RegenERA Local
The Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (Innovation and Development Foundation, FIDBAN), promoted by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) invites you to participate in RegenERA Local, an event organized by Impact Hub, an innovation and sustainability consulting firm with presence in more than 120 cities and that counts with The Social Circle as a local partner for its implementation.

UNEATLANTICO promos the webinar: “Telecommunications in the Treaty of the European Union (1992-1997)”
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) will organize, on November 14 at 4:00 p.m. (CET), the webinar: "Telecommunications in the European Union Treaty (1992-1997)."

Pianist José Luis Nieto captivates the audience during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of UNEATLANTICO
The assembly hall of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) was dressed with distinction this Thursday to receive a notable concurrence composed of authorities, representatives of institutions, relatives, students, and the Cantabrian community. With palpable enthusiasm, everyone gathered to enjoy a new recital of the "Pasión de Falla" (de Falla Passion), masterfully presented by the virtuoso pianist José Luis Nieto as part of the festivities commemorating the tenth anniversary of the institution.