MINGUETIS is proclaimed champion of the III UNEATLANTICO Indoor Football League
Universidad Europea del Atlántico ( European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), through the Physical Activity and Sport Service (SAFD) and in collaboration with the Royal Cantabrian…

Deadline for entries to the 9th UNEATLANTICO short story competition open
The ninth edition of the Short Story Contest of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) is now open to the entire university community (students, PDI or PAS) and will run until April 23rd, on the occasion of the Book Day, while the awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday May 7th.

The 8th edition of the UNEATLANTICO Debating League kicks off
The Debate League of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has become one of the emblematic activities of the university. This year marks its eighth edition and the students will debate the following question: ‘Is the Pact for the Future proposed by the UN a useful tool to improve the quality of life of the European population?

Check the calendar of exams of the ordinary exams of UNEATLANTICO
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) is officially starting the exam period, a key stage in the academic calendar of the current academic year. That is why we encourage students of all degrees to remember the most important details during this ordinary exam period.

UNEATLANTICO students promote sporting inclusion through a match with Santander Hockey Plus
A group of students of (CAFYD) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), in the framework of the subject of Inclusive Physical Education, carried out an innovative project with the aim of making visible and raising awareness about the practice of sports for people with special needs.

Jessica del Pilar Guerrero, Marcelo Solís and Luis Sastre will be the UNEATLANTICO delegates for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The student community of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has carried out the election process of delegates and subdelegates for the academic year 2024-2025. The student representatives, Jessica del Pilar Guerrero, Marcelo Solís and Luis Sastre, presented, through a video, their proposals for this academic year.

Gastronomy students organise a culinary practice as part of the subject ‘Culinary Techniques I’.
The students of the degree in Gastronomy (GASTRO), of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) carried out a culinary practice taught by the coordinator of the degree and teacher of the subject ‘Culinary Techniques I’, Marina Pelayo, in which they prepared recipes with basic ingredients.

Journalism students take part in a meeting with international photojournalist Celestino Arce
UNEATLANTICO Journalism students, together with Silvia Aparicio, Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, Olga Agüero, Dean of the College of Journalists and lecturer at the university and Helena Garay, Head of Cultural Outreach, took part in a meeting with the international photojournalist Celestino Arce through a guided tour of the exhibition of his photographic work on the war in Ukraine.

UNEATLANTICO awards diplomas to the best academic records of the seventh class
UNEATLANTICO awards diplomas to the best academic records of the seventh class The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has awarded diplomas to the students who obtained the best academic results in the 2023-2024 promotion. The award ceremony took place during the opening ceremony of the new academic year, held in the university's Assembly Hall.

Film professionals give master classes at UNEATLANTICO as part of the VIII Santander Film Festival
The Assembly Hall of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) hosts, for the second year, four masterclasses given by professionals in the film industry on the occasion of the celebration of the VIII edition of the Santander Film Festival (FCS).