Tag: UNEATLANTICO Archives - Uneatlantico News

UNEATLANTICO present at the gala of the Cantabria Yearbook of the newspaper Diario Montañés

UNEATLANTICO present at the gala of the Cantabria Yearbook of the newspaper Diario Montañés

El Diario Montañés celebrated the 40th edition of the Cantabria Yearbook at the Santander Exhibition Centre, an event which each year presents an editorial work summarising the most outstanding events of the previous year. In this edition, the event brought together a broad representation of Cantabrian society, with the presence of figures from the political, economic, educational, cultural and sporting spheres.

UNEATLANTICO presents the results of the Erasmus + DigitalTA project at the University of Barcelona

UNEATLANTICO presents the results of the Erasmus + DigitalTA project at the University of Barcelona

Dr. Thomas Prola, professor at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and co-coordinator of the Erasmus + DigitalTA project, presented the results of the project to 37 students of the Primary Education and Early Childhood Education degrees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and to 5 mentors of the Institute for Professional Development (IDP-UB) at the Mundet campus of the UB on March 17. 

The engineer Sergio Diaz, gives a talk at UNEATLANTICO on DDD and SOLID principles in business applications

The engineer Sergio Diaz, gives a talk at UNEATLANTICO on DDD and SOLID principles in business applications

Sergio Diaz, Senior Software Engineer, from the Centro Tecnológico de la Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER) in Guayaquil, Ecuador, gave a talk to students of the degree in Computer Engineering (II) of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) and to professors interested in improving the quality of their applications.

UNEATLANTICO co-organises the 12th Annual Conference in International Studies

UNEATLANTICO co-organises the 12th Annual Conference in International Studies

The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) will be the co-organiser of the XII Annual Conference on International Studies, an event that will be held in collaboration with the Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN) from 1 to 5 July. This event is a key opportunity to bring together academics, practitioners and experts in the field of political science and international relations to discuss the latest trends in research and development in this field.

José Ramos Vivas, researcher and teacher at UNEATLANTICO gives a talk on the human microbiota to the students of the Somorrostro Training Centre

José Ramos Vivas, researcher and teacher at UNEATLANTICO gives a talk on the human microbiota to the students of the Somorrostro Training Centre

José Ramos Vivas, teacher and researcher at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) gave a talk on the human microbiota to high school students at the Somorrostro Training Centre. The aim of the talk was to bring young people closer to the knowledge of this invisible ecosystem and its impact on human health.

Olympic athlete Mohamed Attaoui participates in scientific research at UNEATLANTICO

Olympic athlete Mohamed Attaoui participates in scientific research at UNEATLANTICO

Mohamed Attaoui, Spanish Olympic athlete and European runner-up, has visited the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) to participate in the scientific research that is being carried out with the collaboration of the Cantabrian Athletics Federation (FCA). The evaluation was attended by the coordinator of the Doctorate Programme in Physical Activity and Sport: Risks and Benefits, Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres and by the technical director of the Cantabrian Athletics Federation, Santiago Velasco.