UNEATLANTICO to host the twentieth Investor Round of Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo
The Innovation and Development Foundation (FIDBAN), promoted by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), organizes its 20th Investor Round, in which the startups Inhibitec Anticuerpos and Vamos Rural present their projects on May 30.

UNEATLANTICO ORI organizes a visit to the Palacio de la Magdalena for international students
As a new activity for the integration of first year international students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) the International Relations Office (ORI) of the university organized a visit to the Palacio de la Magdalena, where they were received by Noemí Méndez Fernández, Councillor for Culture, Youth and Education of the City of Santander.

UNEATLANTICO and its students promote training in new technologies through Santander’s civic centers
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) has teamed up with the Santander City Council and the Fundación Telefónica (Telefónica Foundation) to train volunteers and instructors who will be in charge of giving workshops designed to strengthen the digital skills of the population, especially the elderly.