UNEATLANTICO celebrates the IV Day of Employability for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held the fourth edition of the Employability Day for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages. On this occasion, the event featured speakers of great renown in the field of translation, both nationally and internationally. The Employability Day began with a presentation by Paula Quijano, director of the degree program, and Valentín Barrantes, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO.

UNEATLANTICO’s Theater Classroom returns to the stage with the performance of the play “Así nos va” written by the students themselves.
On May 10, the performance of the play of the Aula de Teatro de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) took place in the auditorium. It was directed by the director of the…

UNEATLANTICO celebrates the IV Employability Day for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages.
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held the fourth edition of the Employability Day for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages. On this occasion, the event featured speakers of great renown in the field of translation, both nationally and internationally.

Webinar “The future of Telecommunications Policy in the European Union: sustainability, climate change and digitalization”
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) will organize, next May 21 at 16:00 hours (GMT+2), the webinar "The future of Telecommunications Policy in the European Union: sustainability, climate change and digitalization".

UNEATLANTICO renews collaboration agreement with Vive Multiactividad to promote sports among children for third consecutive year
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has renewed a collaboration agreement with the company Vive Multiactividad, represented by Adrián Rodríguez, in the framework of developing sports activities in the facilities of the academic institution for the third consecutive year, specifically the III edition of the Campus Santander Multiactividad.

The teacher of UNEATLANTICO Florent Osmani, gives a talk on injury prevention to students of IES Muriedas
Florent Osmani, teacher of the degree in Science of Physical Activity and Sport (CAFYD) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) accompanied by the head of the physical education department of the institute IES Muriedas, Ivan Gonzalez Gutierrez, have given a talk on injury prevention to students of the institute.

UNEATLANTICO ORI organizes a visit to the Palacio de la Magdalena for international students
As a new activity for the integration of first year international students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) the International Relations Office (ORI) of the university organized a visit to the Palacio de la Magdalena, where they were received by Noemí Méndez Fernández, Councillor for Culture, Youth and Education of the City of Santander.

UNEATLANTICO celebrates University Day with a series of sports activities, contests, food fair and more
The University Day celebration was held at the university campus of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO). This year again there was a great program of activities, contests and sports tournaments. There was also a gastronomic fair where international food could be enjoyed.

UNEATLANTICO celebrates University Day with a series of sports activities, contests, food fair and more
The University Day celebration was held at the university campus of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO). This year again there was a great program of activities, contests and sports tournaments. There was also a gastronomic fair where international food could be enjoyed.

Business Administration and Management students complement their training with seminars on the business world
Students of the degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) are taking their education a step further by participating in a series of days, meetings and conferences that immerse them in the business world.