The collection «The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and The Double Flute» is on show in the Angolan city of Cuito
The Obra Cultural de UNEATLANTICO in collaboration with the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza (UNIC), the Spanish Embassy in Angola, the government of Bié, the transport company AJS and with the sponsorship of ENSA Seguros de Angola, inaugurated on Saturday 23rd November the exhibition of lithographs and engravings by Pablo Picasso «The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and The Double Flute» , at the Walter Cambodja Polytechnic Institute of Arts in the city of Cuíto (Angola).

Call for entries for the 14th edition of the competitions «Adicciones: Tu Punto de Mira»
The Tu Punto de Mira, promoted by the Spanish Network of Health Promoting Universities (REUPS) and supported by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health, has opened the inscriptions for the 14th edition of its competition ‘ Addictions: Your Point of View" competition. With the aim of promoting critical reflection and awareness of the risks of addictive behaviours, this competition seeks to encourage the creation of preventive messages among young people, especially through social networks.