UNEATLANTICO researchers analyse the benefits of betalains on health
Dr. Mercedes Briones and Dr. Nohora Martínez, professors and researchers at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), are participating in a study that analyses the health benefits of betalains from the fruits of the Opuntia cactus, mainly prickly pear cactus.

Miguel Ángel Torío gives a talk to students of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training as part of the subject Organisation and Management of Educational Centres
Professor Miguel Ángel Torío Fernández, director of the Instituto Atúlfo Argenta, gave a talk to the students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, as part of the subject ‘Organisation and Management of Educational Centres’ taught by Javier Cubero and Samuel Allende at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO).

Dr. Murat Can Pehlivanoğlu gives a master class entitled ‘The Future of Corporate Transparency’
Dr. Murat Can Pehlivanoğlu, Associate Professor of Business Law at Istanbul Kent University, gave a lecture entitled ‘The Future of Corporate Transparency’, to the students of the Business Organization course taught by UNEATLANTICO lecturer Sofía Gómez Pino.