Students of the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations degrees visit the San Sebastian Film Library
The students of the degrees in Audiovisual Communication (CA) and Advertising and Public Relations (PRP) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), made a visit to the Film Library of San Sebastian. This activity was promoted and organised by Ignacio Solana, lecturer in the Audiovisual Communication degree, who accompanied the students during the visit.

UNEATLANTICO researcher studies the efficacy of herbal medicine and nutritional supplements for treating premenstrual syndrome
Dr. Juan Luis Vidal, researcher at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), is participating in a study analysing the efficacy and safety of herbal medicine and nutritional supplements to treat premenstrual symptoms.

José Ramos Vivas, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO, has given a lecture at the XII edition of the International Master’s Degree in Marine Cultivation.
Dr. José Ramos Vivas, lecturer and researcher at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), has given several lectures at the International Master in Marine Cultures, taught at the ECOAQUA Institute of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).