Javier Costas Veiga, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO, participates in the II International Blue Flag Congress
Javier Costas Veiga, lecturer of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) participated in the II International Blue Flag Congress: sustainability, health and safety. The congress was co-organised by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC) and the City Councils of l'Alfàs del Pí (Alicante) and Gandía (Valencia).

UNEATLANTICO participates in the first article published from a research thesis in FUNIBER’s Business area
A group of researchers from the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER), which includes researchers from the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), has published the first article in an indexed journal arising from a thesis of the academic programme in Business. This marks an important achievement for the institution, reflecting its ability to bring academic research to the highest level and position its students on platforms recognised for their quality and impact.

Giovanna Ruiz, teacher of the IES Zapatero de Castro Urdiales gives as a guest the subject of aquatic lifeguarding and first aid to the students of the fourth year of CAFYD
Giovanna Ruiz García, alumni of the degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD) and Primary Education (EP) in UNEATLANTICO with Master in teacher training, Master in research and educational innovation and currently a teacher of Physical Education in Secondary Education in the IES Zapatero of Castro Urdiales, attended as a guest teacher at the University to teach two classes of the subject of Aquatic Lifeguarding and first aid.

Students from the Faculties of Health Sciences and the Polytechnic School attend CIFP La Granja
Students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) of the degrees in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (NHD), Food Science and Technology (CTA), Agricultural and Food Industries (IIAA), and Gastronomy (CG), together with an Erasmus exchange group from France, made an educational outing to the Integrated Vocational Training Center (CIFP) La Granja, located in Heras.

UNEATLANTICO celebrates the awarding of diplomas for scholarship students in Uruguay
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) in collaboration with the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) based in Uruguay, organizes a ceremony to celebrate the awarding of diplomas to students who successfully completed their postgraduate studies in institutions of its university network.

UNEATLANTICO participates in a study investigating the effectiveness of COVID-19 scoring systems
Dr. Cristina Mazas, Dr. Irma Domínguez and Dr. Iñaki Pascual, researchers at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), are participating in a study that tests the validity and efficacy of scoring systems in predicting mortality risk in patients with COVID-19.

José Luis Sánchez, CEO of Ingram Micro and professor at UNEATLANTICO, awarded for his commitment to quality in employment
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) celebrates the recognition of José Luis Sánchez López, CEO of Ingram Micro and professor at UNEATLANTICO, in the VII edition of the CEOE CEPYME Cantabria awards.

UNEATLANTICO organizes the webinar “Best practices in the wastewater treatment industry”
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) will organize, on November 20 at 17:00 hours (Spain), the webinar “Good practices in the wastewater treatment industry” to be given by Eduardo Garcia.

UNEATLANTICO receives the first UNIC student who will be part of the Dual Degree Program between both institutions
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) in its vocation to promote collaboration with the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza (UNIC) has received Carlos Alexandre Alfonso, a student of the degree in Business Administration and Management, who participates in the Dual Degree Program between the two universities.

UNEATLANTICO researchers present a model for authentication of medical users
Dr. Juan Castañedo and Dr. Daniel Gavilanes, researchers at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), are involved in a study that develops a medical user identity authentication model to ensure data protection with the help of blockchain technology.