UNEATLANTICO and C.D. Volleyball Textil Santanderina sign collaboration agreement
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and the Textil Santanderina Volleyball Sports Club have signed a specific collaboration agreement with the aim of strengthening the link between the two institutions as well as actively disseminating and promoting Cantabrian sport.

UNEATLANTICO present at the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Urban Trade Strategies
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has participated in the II Ibero-American Forum on Urban Commerce Strategies, held at the Magdalena Palace in Santander. Dr. Silvia Aparicio, Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, and Dr. Ana Visiers, Academic Director of the degrees in Journalism (PER), Audiovisual Communication (CA) and Advertising and Public Relations (PRP), participated in the meeting accompanied by a group of students from the University.