Roberto de Diego, Managing Partner of Alacran Advisory talks about his experience and trajectory at the employability conference ‘What next?
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has organised a new session of the employment conference ‘What now?’ with the participation of the graduate from the University of Los Angeles (USA) and MBA from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It should be noted that this series of conferences is moderated by Francisco Zunzunegui, Director of SITE UNEATLANTICO.

UNEATLANTICO signs a collaboration agreement with the Santiago Revuelta Cycling Museum
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has signed a collaboration agreement with the Santiago Revuelta Cycling Museum, an organisation dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of cycling, both nationally and internationally, through the exhibition of its valuable cycling heritage.

Jessica del Pilar Guerrero, Marcelo Solís and Luis Sastre will be the UNEATLANTICO delegates for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The student community of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has carried out the election process of delegates and subdelegates for the academic year 2024-2025. The student representatives, Jessica del Pilar Guerrero, Marcelo Solís and Luis Sastre, presented, through a video, their proposals for this academic year.

The Sports Service of UNEATLANTICO organizes the first Pickleball tournament together with the Cantabrian Association
The Physical Activity and Sports Service (SAFD) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) organized the I Pickleball Tournament with the help of the Cantabrian Pickleball Federation, with a high participation from the university community.

Dr. Manuel Masías, participates in a study on a system for early prognosis of diabetes
The Dean of the Polytechnic School and Director of the degree in Computer Engineering, of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) Manuel Masías, participates in a study that proposes a new system that ensures early treatment of type 2 diabetes, is called DiabSense.

UNEATLANTICO presents the virtual platform of the DigitalTA project to teachers and students of the Education programs
More than a hundred students of the Degree in Primary Education and the Master's Degree in Teacher Training of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), accompanied by several of their teachers, attended last October 22 in the auditorium of the university to the presentation of a digital platform which aims to support the educational community in its transition process to the teaching profession.

The university community collaborates in a blood donation day held on the UNEATLANTICO Campus
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) contributed to the Asociación Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre de Cantabria another year for the blood and bone marrow donation days. The mobile unit went to the university campus through the Office of Cooperation and Social Action (OCAS) to collect donations from teachers, students and the rest of the university community who wanted to participate in this solidarity action.

Isabel Diego, teacher at UNEATLANTICO, participates in the organisation of the 12 months, 12 emotions project
Isabel Diego, lecturer in the area of Psychology at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), is part of the organising committee of the project ‘12 months, 12 emotions’ promoted by the Official College of Psychology of Cantabria (COP) and the City Council of Santander.

FUNIBER organizes the webinar “Green Paper on the development of the Common Market for Telecommunications, Services and Equipment”
The The European University of the Atlantic will organize, next October 29th at 16:00 hours (GMT+2), the webinar in Spanish “Green Paper on the development of the Common Market for Telecommunications, Services and…

UNEATLANTICO organizes the webinar “Green Paper on the development of the Common Market for Telecommunications, Services and Equipment”
The The European University of the Atlantic will organize, next October 29th at 16:00 hours (GMT+2), the webinar in Spanish "Green Paper on the development of the Common Market for Telecommunications, Services and Equipment".