Nacho Solana, professor at UNEATLANTICO and film director, directs the documentary ‘Siempre+Positivo’.
The teacher and film director Ignacio Gutiérrez-Solana, better known as Nacho Solana, from the degree in Audiovisual Communication (CA) at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), has directed the new documentary entitled 'Always+Positive', starring the Dutch coach Louis van Gaal and the scientific director of the National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), María Blasco.

UNEATLANTICO student presents results of her study at international congress
Estela Alves, who obtained her Master's Degree in Corporate Communication from the European University of the Atlantic, with a Training Scholarship granted by the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER), presented results of her Master's final project at the Intercom 2024 Congress, which took place in Brazil.

Dr. José Ramos Vivas, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO, winner of one of the FOTCIENCIA 2023 awards
El Dr. José Ramos Vivas, profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico ( UNEATLANTICO ) ha sido galardonado con el premio FOTCIENCIA 2023 en la categoría de Alimentación y Nutrición con la fotografía titulada “ Una bola de gusanos parásitos Anisakis extraídos de pescado fresco ”.

Elementary Education students visit the School’s Resource, Interpretation and Study Center
Inline with the various training activities carried out at The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), students in the degree of Primary Education (GEP) made a visit to the facilities of…

Conclusion of the International Climate Action Congress (CIACC 2024) held at UNEATLANTICO
The International Congress on Climate Action (CIACC 2024), organized by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER), hand in hand with the Business…

Vicente Bayarri, professor at UNEATLANTICO, participates in a seminar organized by ICCROM and IPEC
Vicente Bayarri, lecturer at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), has participated in the webinar called “HBIM methodology and digital tools for the conservation of cultural heritage”. This seminar was organized…

UNEATLANTICO signs a collaboration agreement with the Technological University ECOTEC
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) and the Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC, a prestigious Ecuadorian university located in Guayaquil, have signed a collaboration agreement. The aim of the agreement is to promote the interests of both institutions in terms of exchanges of experience and knowledge, as well as the provision of services between them.

UNEATLANTICO supports the inclusion of a new elective on the development of an active and healthy lifestyle offered by Education.
Recently, the modification of the Baccalaureate curriculum of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria has been approved. In this modification, a new optional subject has been included in the 2nd year of baccalaureate in the area of Physical Education, entitled Development of Active and Healthy Lifestyle, which has a teaching load of 4 hours, and which can be implemented in all schools in Cantabria from the next academic year.

UNEATLANTICO participates in a virtual meeting of the Start-DSP project
The partners of the Erasmus+ Start Digital – Sustainable – Profitable (Start-DSP)project, including the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), recently held a virtual meeting to discuss progress and next steps…

Inauguration of the III International Congress on Climate Action (CIACC 2024) organised by UNEATLANTICO, FEC and FUNIBER
The International Climate Action Congress (CIACC) 2024, organised by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), the Fundación Privada Empresa & Clima (FEC) and the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER), opens at the Gran Casino Sardinero.