UNEATLANTICO proudly celebrates the graduation ceremonies to bid farewell to the students of the class 2023-2024
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) was filled with excitement and joy throughout the weekend as it hosted the graduation ceremonies of the graduating class of the 2023-2024 academic year at the Assembly Hall, as part of the 10th anniversary of the university.

Institutional Conference between the FUNIBER Chair of Iberoamerican Studies and Iberophony and the Equatoguinean Academy of the Spanish Language
The professor of UNEATLANTICO and director of Institutional Relations of the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and the Chair of Ibero-American Studies and Iberophony, Dr. F. Álvaro Durántez Prados, and the representative and academician of the Equatoguinean Academy of the Spanish Language (AEGLE), Dr. Fernando Ignacio Ondo, held an institutional and working day in the province of Guadalajara, Spain.