The winner of two Goya Awards, Rodolfo Montero de Palacio, will be the guest of honor at the III UNEATLANTICO’s Short Film Festival.
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) celebrates the III Short Film Festival of the University this May 23 at 18:30. It should be noted that anyone who has studied at UNEATLANTICO can…

Students of the CTA and IIAA degrees visit AgroCantabria’s facilities with the teacher Javier Gómez
The students of the degrees in Food Science and Technology (CTA) and Engineering of Agricultural and Food Industries (IIAA) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), made a visit to the facilities…

UNEATLANTICO celebrates the IV Day of Employability for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held the fourth edition of the Employability Day for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages. On this occasion, the event featured speakers of great renown in the field of translation, both nationally and internationally. The Employability Day began with a presentation by Paula Quijano, director of the degree program, and Valentín Barrantes, lecturer at UNEATLANTICO.