UNEATLANTICO’s Theater Classroom returns to the stage with the performance of the play “Así nos va” written by the students themselves.
On May 10, the performance of the play of the Aula de Teatro de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) took place in the auditorium. It was directed by the director of the…

UNEATLANTICO celebrates the IV Employability Day for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages.
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held the fourth edition of the Employability Day for the degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages. On this occasion, the event featured speakers of great renown in the field of translation, both nationally and internationally.

Webinar “The future of Telecommunications Policy in the European Union: sustainability, climate change and digitalization”
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) will organize, next May 21 at 16:00 hours (GMT+2), the webinar "The future of Telecommunications Policy in the European Union: sustainability, climate change and digitalization".