UNEATLANTICO organizes the webinar «Telecommunications Policy and Cohesion Policy»
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) will organize, next April 30 at 16:00 hours (GMT+2), the webinar «Telecommunications Policy and Cohesion Policy». The session will be given…

Successful start of the Spanish University Badminton and Surfing Championships 2024 in Cantabria
Since April 23 have begun the Championships of Spain University Badminton and Surfing 2024, events organized by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and will run until April 26 in the towns of Santander and Somo.

The III Short Film Festival of the European University of the Atlantic to be held on campus is approaching
The third edition of the UNEATLANTICO Short Film Festival will be held on May 22 and 23, 2024, at the university campus. For the three best short films, there will be a prize of 300 € to be shared among them. Also, apart from the 10 categories already established, the "Federico Fernández Special Award" will be presented again. Registration for the festival officially closes on April 28th at 23:59.