UNEATLANTICO proudly closes the five graduation ceremonies, bidding farewell to the students of the 2021-2022 graduation class
The graduation ceremony for the degrees in Business Administration and Management, Computer Engineering, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Science and Technology,…

New issue of the MLS Educational Research magazine, sponsored by UNEATLANTICO, available
The journal MLS Educational Research (MLSER), sponsored by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico, publishes its volume 6 number 1, consisting of…

The Language Support Service of UNEATLANTICO organised a treasure hunt in which more than eighty French students participated
The Language Support Service (SAPLI) of the European University of the Atlantic organised a treasure hunt on the university campus in which more than eighty French students from the…

The UNEATLANTICO Assembly Hall will host the International Climate Action Congress with the participation of renowned speakers.
The Assembly Hall of the European University of the Atlantic will host the International Climate Action Congress (CIACC) that will take place on 6, 7 and 8…

Juan Luis Martín announces the publication of a new issue of the MLS Psychology Research Scientific Journal
Dr. Juan Luis Martín, academic director of the Degree in Psychology and the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the…