UNEATLANTICO celebrates International Week with integration activities for Erasmus students

17 May 2024
UNEATLANTICO celebrates International Week with integration activities for Erasmus students

The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held the first International Week for foreign students of the ERASMUS program, which was held from May 6 to 10. This was carried out through a scheduled program with different integration activities for students, with the collaboration of different universities from all over Europe and involved European projects presented by the teachers of UNEATLANTICO.

The event began with a welcome ceremony and a presentation by UNEATLANTICO, followed by a guided tour of the entire campus and its facilities, including the University Residence. The welcome day ended with a dinner in the city of Santander.

The visiting universities had the opportunity to make poster presentations on the European projects in which they are involved, these were Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences, Yncrea, Ioan Cuza, AP Antwerpen, Jan Kochanowski, Istanbul Gedik, Ondokuz Mayis University, Porto, İstanbul Ticaret, Vistula University. And on the part of UNEATLANTICO, the teachers in charge of collaborating in these European projects are Jorge Crespo, Iñaki Elío Pascual and Thomas Prola.

In addition, during the second day, continuing with the learning activities, Spanish courses were given by the teacher of UNEATLANTICO, Rubén Pérez, and a tour of Santander from the Magdalena Peninsula. On the third day, May 8, foreign students participated in the University Day, with more tournaments, contests and integration activities with the rest of the student body of the university, in order to get a taste of other countries.

Finally, the last two days consisted of student and faculty attendance, first in the workshop by Carlos Lago, From thesis to research paper. A round table discussion on How to improve internationalization and best practices. Internationalization at home; short mobilities (BIPs and COILs) and Networking. And a conference on behalf of the language department with free admission for anyone willing, with the theme Translation and applied languages professional day. Ending the week with a farewell ceremony and thus the closing of the International Week.