Students of the CTA and IIAA degrees visit Nestlé’s facilities with the teacher Javier Gómez

23 Apr 2024
Students of the CTA and IIAA degrees visit Nestlé’s facilities with the teacher Javier Gómez

The teacher of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), Javier Gómez, has visited with his students of the degrees in Engineering of Agricultural and Food Industries (IIAA) and Food Science and Technology (CTA) Nestlé facilities, as part of the subject of Food Processing of Animal Origin.

During the visit, they were explained how the factory is controlled and the processes carried out for the production of the brand’s products. In addition, they were fortunate to be able to access the production room, getting to see all the phases to which the milk is subjected, from the moment it is received until it is taken away in the trucks. They also had the opportunity to observe the method used for sampling, accompanied by an explanation by the teacher of UNEATLANTICO, Javier Gómez. They also had access to the analysis room to see first hand the machinery necessary for the transformation processes from liquid milk to evaporated, condensed and powdered milk.

On the other hand, the students who participated in this visit, talked with the people in charge of the contact between the company and the farmers with whom they have an agreement, getting to know better that part of the work to be done together with the sector.

However, Javier’s main objective was for the students of his course to learn about the real challenges and needs that a company like Nestlé, as well as companies in the same sector, face on a daily basis. “At the end of the day, the processes are the same ones we learn in class; however, management skills need to be developed and what better than to see that management in a real working environment” says Liliane Lemus, a student of the double degree in CTA and IIAA, who attended the visit.

Aware of the importance of the food sector, UNEATLANTICO trains future professionals in this field, offering degrees in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Science and Technology, Agricultural and Food Industry Engineering and Gastronomy.