Dr. Iñaki Elío announces the publication of the new issue of the journal MLS Health & Nutrition Research

26 Jul 2024
Dr. Iñaki Elío announces the publication of the new issue of the journal MLS Health & Nutrition Research

Dr. Iñaki Elío, academic director of the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), and editor-in-chief of the MLS Health and Nutrition Research journal, announces the publication of Volume 3 – Number 1 of the journal.


The main objective of the MLS Health & Nutrition Research Journal is to disseminate unpublished works related to innovation and research in the field of health and nutrition, following clear methodological criteria according to the nature of the objective facts of the study. It also accepts review articles or articles with a marked methodological component.
A total of five articles have been included in this new edition. The topics range from the study of depression and loneliness to the perception of parents and their parenting styles, some of them with international approaches.
The first article deals with the “Valorization of food waste from tomato (SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM) processing”. The consumption of Solanum Lycopersicum, commonly known as tomato, has increased in recent years. Therefore, the production and consequently, the waste generated from it, as well. The present work aims to propitiate whether there are significant differences between the different methods of valuation in the utilization of tomato food waste, as well as its practical application.
The following article discusses “The role of chrononutrition in weight loss”. Circadian clocks are closely related to nutrition. The number of meals, the timing of meals and other parameters seem to be able to influence a person’s weight and metabolism. The aim of this study is to gather scientific evidence that circadian rhythms have an influence on weight loss.
From the field of food technology: “Physical and nutritional fitness of eight types of potato”. In this experimental study, measurements and evaluations of different parameters were performed on eight types of potatoes, such as vitamin C content using the Indophenol method, dry matter by ash determination, calibers using ring ranges to determine their size and were classified between medium and large. In addition, the external appearance and coloration of the flesh was visually evaluated, differentiating between rounder or oval shapes and white or yellowish colors. A tactile analysis was also performed to determine if the samples had a firm and consistent texture.
The following article “The scientific overview of the status of biosimilars worldwide and their conception of biosimilarity versus their quality attributes”. The attempt to bring biological treatments closer together, at a high cost for citizens, has driven the birth and growth of biosimilar drugs. These are molecules whose production is focused on being copies of the active ingredients of drugs of biological origin classified as innovative. As they are biological molecules, the fact of being copies of the active ingredient becomes complex, as small variations in their biochemical composition can affect their safety and efficacy.
Finally, “Akkermansia muciniphila, a bacterium against obesity and its relationship with diet. Systematic review.”

The anaerobic bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila has demonstrated its role in the regulation of metabolism and inflammation markers since its discovery. It is a Gram-negative bacterium that is classified within the phylum Verrucomicrobiae. It is recognized as a non-pathogenic bacterium, devoid of virulence factors and lacking significant interaction with the host leading to infection or disease.
It should be noted that there are currently nine journals belonging to Multi-Lingual Scientific (MLS) Journals, these include: MLS Communication Journal, MLS Education Research, MLS Health & Nutrition Research and more.