CAFYD Degree Employability Conference held as part of the “Face to face: university and profession” cycle

03 May 2024
CAFYD Degree Employability Conference held as part of the “Face to face: university and profession” cycle

At the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) was held the day of employability of the degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (CAFYD), within the cycle “Face to face: University and profession”.

This conference was held in conjunction with the Official College of Graduates in Physical Education and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of Cantabria (COLEF Cantabria), which was attended by more than 150 students of the degree, as well as several alumni.

The event was organized by Carlos Lago, director of the degree in CAFYD at UNEATLANTICO and Javier Cubero, the president of COLEF Cantabria. Together they opened and introduced the event and its speakers. In addition, Javier Cubero explained the advantages of membership, as well as the rates in Cantabria, both for graduates and the option of pre-registration for students in the final years of the degree.

First, Javier Portela, manager of the COLEF council at national level, intervened. Portela spoke about the profession of physical sports educators (EFD) and a 360-degree view of the profession, making a historical overview of the training of graduates in Sports Science for more than a century. Likewise, he made a diagnosis of the current state of professional regulation at national and regional level. Subsequently, Arkaitz Larrinaga, president of COLEF Basque Country and CEO of the company MugikOn gave a talk on urban spaces and sports services, and how the management and recording of data can give us quality information to design services in public spaces. He also remarked to the students the great labor market that exists in the digitization and promotion of physical activity at regional and national level.

The third talk was given by Brandon Viana, founder of FuryanFit and graduate of UNEATLANTICO. Viana brought his experience in the field of fitness and personal training, his roadmap with the battles and experiences in the tough work environment, as well as transferred great advice to the students on the valuation of the university degree, rigor and passion to enjoy the work and grow exponentially.

Finally, Iván González, Physical Education teacher at the IES Muriedas High School and teacher of the Master in Teacher Training of UNEATLANTICO, gave a last talk about a new subject in 2nd year of Bachillerato, which has been incorporated in his school: Active and Healthy Lifestyle (EVAS). This subject is a pioneer at regional level and currently, thanks to the effort led by Ivan and the support of various institutional bodies including the COLEF and UNEATLANTICO, has just been proposed to the Ministry of Education of the Government of Cantabria that this subject is optional common to all institutes of the autonomous community.

To conclude the event, a round table was held with all participants, in which they discussed all the topics discussed throughout the event and answered questions from students about career opportunities in the degree and CAFYD, the reality of the fitness industry, the current competition in the sports sector, as well as questions related to the sector.