Yves Díaz de Villegas, professor at UNEATLANTICO, chosen by Planeta to publish in the new publishing house NdeNovela

06 Nov 2023
Yves Díaz de Villegas, professor at UNEATLANTICO, chosen by Planeta to publish in the new publishing house NdeNovela

Yves Díaz de Villegas, teacher of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), is part of the selected group of eight writers who will publish with the new imprint of Editorial Planeta, NdeNovela, recently presented in Madrid.

The UNEATLANTICO teacher, Yves Díaz de Villegas, has been chosen to publish his novel in the recently inaugurated publishing imprint of Editorial Planeta, called NdeNovela. This event marks the beginning of the landing of a series of eight literary works that will see the light of day in the year 2024, all of them conceived by emerging authors including Professor Díaz de Villegas.

The new publishing house will begin its adventure next January and will fill bookstores with a diverse selection of entertaining literature. One work per month will be launched until August, and the UNEATLANTICO professor’s novel is scheduled to be released on April 03 next year. Thus, Díaz de Villegas’ work would become the fourth to be published, following the previous ones, which will begin on January 10 with the titles “Muerte en tres texturas” (Death in Three Textures) by Cristian Schleu and “La piel infiel,” (The unfaithful skin) a novel written by Lara Serodio.

As Belén López Celada, the imprint’s editorial director, explains, “NdeNovela will not be pigeonholed into any genre but will host stories of varied types from thrillers to sentimental novels to historical novels. Its goal is to become a benchmark in the creation of literary brands in the coming years, and to achieve this, it is committed to new names, new talents, and of course, new readers.”

The news has caused an impact, and at the national level, more than forty media outlets of different sizes and regions have already echoed the participation of Yves Díaz de Villegas and seven other writers in this event.

The career of Yves Díaz de Villegas

Despite not having focused his professional career on literature, the UNEATLANTICO professor has uncovered his fervor for novelistic narrative, revealing a world of creativity and words to be explored. Among other previous experiences as a writer, Díaz de Villegas submitted a novel for the prestigious Premio Azorín de Novela (Azorín Novel Prize). As a result of its quality, Editorial Planeta has decided to publish it.

On the other hand, the professor, former secretary general of CEOE-Cepyme Cantabria, has worked in the industrial trade, transport, and logistics sector in various regions of Germany, Austria, England, and France in Europe, as well as on the Asian continent. Díaz de Villegas is also director and professor of the Aula Dédalo, a multidisciplinary training center, and at UNEATLANTICO he teaches Administration of Production and Logistics in Engineering and Economic History in the Business Administration and Management degree (ADE).