The International Relations Office (ORI) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held an International Week, held from May 6 to 10 with the representation of several universities from various European countries. The international week brought together representatives from Rosenheim University of Applied Science, Yncrea, Ioan Cuza University, AP Antwerpen University, Jan Kochanowski University, Istanbul Gedik Üniversitesi, Ondokuz Mayis University, Universidade do Porto, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi and Vistula University.
During their stay in Santander, the representatives of the aforementioned universities were received by Juan Luis Vidal, director of the International Relations Office of UNEATLANTICO, together with the rest of the ORI team.
The International Week began with a welcome ceremony and a presentation by UNEATLANTICO. During the week, they had a Spanish Crash Course, with UNEATLANTICO professor Ruben Perez, a space to present their home universities and their educational programs, as well as a session to present the European projects in which each partner is involved.
On the third day of the International Week, attendees accompanied the UNEATLANTICO community during the University Day, where they were able to see the internationalization that takes place on the university campus.
On the fourth day of the International Week, Dr. Carlos Lago, academic director of the degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFYD), offered the workshop From thesis to research paper. In addition, a round table was organized to share ideas on internationalization practices in the universities present. The round table, entitled How to improve internationalization and best practices. Internationalization at home and Networking, was a great opportunity to discuss Blended Intensive Programs (BIP) or Collaborative Online International Learning Programs (COIL).
International Campus
UNEATLANTICO, through the International Relations Office, brings the university community closer to enriching international experiences, in which they can expand their knowledge.