UNEATLANTICO welcomes new professors joining the teaching staff for the second quarter

31 Jan 2024
UNEATLANTICO welcomes new professors joining the teaching staff for the second quarter

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) has received the teachers who will be part of the second quarter of the 2023-2024 academic year in a welcoming ceremony held in the Assembly Hall. The meeting was attended both in person and online by the new professors, as well as the directors of all the degrees and the heads of the different management areas and departments of the university institution: Rectorate, Academic Secretariat, International Relations, and Student Services.

Rubén Calderón, rector of the University, presided over the ceremony in which he emphasized the will and commitment of UNEATLANTICO to society in the performance of scientific research, to families in the education of their children, and in the training of the students themselves. He then gave the floor to the Deputy Secretary General, Jesús Peña, who presented the total predisposition and availability of the department for any teacher who requires certificates, wants to resolve doubts about any aspect of the application of the regulations (both university and state), or needs to consult something about the resolution of conflicts inside and outside the classroom. Alicia Bustamante, manager of the University, also participated in the warm welcome to the new professors.

Afterwards, the Vice Rector for Academic Planning and Faculty, Dr. Silvia Aparicio, moderated a presentation between the directors of the different degrees of the university and the new professors of each faculty to establish a line of coordination between both parties. In conclusion, she congratulated all of them and emphasized that “if they are here, it is because they have been the people who have done the best in the selection processes because they have demonstrated that they have the best knowledge and teaching skills.”

She added that the values they must transmit as members of the university are basically three: enthusiasm to belong to the Universidad Europea del Atlántico team because “it is not only about knowing or knowing how to explain but also to be able to integrate into the team,” to work in depth the contents taught in their subject, so that there is an approach and a practical application for the correct understanding and learning of the student and, on the other hand, know how to move between certainty and uncertainty to discover individually how to awaken the interest of students in the subjects.

“Professors with six six-year research periods and Jean Monnet professors of the European Union, former rectors of public universities, all for the degree in Business Administration and Management; professors accredited with three six-year research periods in the area of Communication, active professionals from El Diario Montañés newspaper, the Dean of the Industrial Association of Cantabria, the area of Commercial Law of the Santander Bar Association, basketball and soccer professionals, and UNEATLANTICO talent that becomes part of our teaching staff. I like my team,” said Aparicio.

Finally, David García (Academic Planning), Pablo Herrero (Director of Systems and IT and professor at the Higher Polytechnic School in the degree in Computer Engineering) and Atenea Ruigomez (Head of the Panal and the virtual campus) gave a joint presentation on basic training in the use of the Panal and the virtual campus in which everything about the documentation and the most important aspects of these tools such as the teaching guide, the class material, and the academic planning of each subject were detailed to strengthen the knowledge of the new teachers in the teaching tasks that they will perform in the course of the day to day of this 2023-2024 course.