UNEATLANTICO signs an agreement with the University of San Ignacio de Loyola to collaborate in academic, scientific, and cultural fields

29 Nov 2023
UNEATLANTICO signs an agreement with the University of San Ignacio de Loyola to collaborate in academic, scientific, and cultural fields

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and the University of San Ignacio de Loyola (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, USIL), based in Paraguay and Peru, have signed an agreement to cooperate in various areas and strengthen ties between the two institutions.

The signing of this important agreement is aimed at promoting and facilitating bilateral mobility between undergraduate and master’s degree students from both institutions. Likewise, the institutions will promote the exchange of professors and researchers with the objective of teaching courses and carrying out research projects on topics of common interest, with the participation of professionals from both universities.

In the cultural field, both universities will support each other in university extension activities. Thanks to their mutual interest in collaborating prior to the signing of this agreement, joint actions had already been carried out. It is worth mentioning that last June, FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO offered at the Paraguayan headquarters of the University of San Ignacio de Loyola the conference “The Articulation of the World of Iberophony” given by the professor of UNEATLANTICO and director of the Cátedra FUNIBER de Estudios Iberoamericanos y de la Iberofonía (FUNIBER Chair of Ibero-American Studies and Iberophony), Dr. F. Álvaro Durántez Prados.

This agreement represents an opportunity to offer great added value to the university community promoted by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico. The signing of this agreement with the prestigious University of San Ignacio de Loyola will exponentially increase the outreach to Paraguay and Peru for UNEATLANTICO students.

In this way, the Universidad Europea del Atlántico continues to show its multicultural spirit, offering students an education with international features and promoting higher education exchanges for Paraguayan and Peruvian students.