Dr. Thomas Prola, professor at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and co-coordinator of the DigitalTA project (2022-2025), participated the fist week of march virtually in the INTED2025: 19th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, on teacher training and education management, to present the results of the project.
The project, led by UNEATLANTICO and in which the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) also participates, together with several European institutions, emerges from a review of studies that showed that one of the problems of teachers is located in the transition period from initial training to the first years of their professional practice in the classroom. A period in which this group experiences a transition from “learning to teach to teaching to teaching to learn”.
In the first phase of the project, the project’s research methodology combined the use of questionnaires, interviews and focus group techniques in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the needs of newly qualified teachers. Approximately 500 teachers from the five countries of Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland and Poland participated in this phase.
Among the results of the questionnaire, it was highlighted that teachers are motivated by feeling that they can positively influence the younger generation: the opportunity to work with children and the “faith” in the value of teaching.
Respondents positively valued the support of mentors, peers, and school leaders, but also felt isolated and needed more guidance and help. In addition, respondents expressed that a friendly and supportive environment contrasts with closed, hierarchical and distant environments, especially for novice teachers. In addition, the results also showed that novice teachers who lack adequate support are enthusiastic about the idea of a mentoring platform where help is available.
The research findings also indicate that good social relationships with peers play a major role in the learning process in the workplace.
The main training needs identified are: classroom management, individual teaching support (diversity and inclusion), soft skills (communication, time and stress management), digital technologies, professional collaboration, understanding school culture, curriculum and planning support.
DigitalTA’s model integrates five essential components that interact with each other. The models, also called “The Hive”, are, in order: the personal reflection space, the tutor-guided reflection, the case studies, a space for sharing with the community and the repository of resources.
In addition, within the platform there are four phases of user participation: exploration and critical understanding of reality; dialogue, collaboration and teamwork; application, shared reflection and transformation of teaching practice; and consolidation, transfer and communication with the community.
INTED is a world-renowned educational conference that allows teachers, researchers, technologists and professionals in the education sector to share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies and present their projects.
“This project is going to end in these months,” Dr. Prola clarified: “We just finished the pilot last month. We have more than 900 participants: newly qualified teachers, young students, but also mentors.”
Those interested in the DigitalTA project can obtain more information through its website.
“Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Educational and Cultural Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”