MLS Journals, promoted by UNEATLANTICO, publishes new issues of its journals

09 Sep 2024
MLS Journals, promoted by UNEATLANTICO, publishes new issues of its journals

The publishing house “Multi-Lingual Scientific (MLS) Journals”, promoted by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), announces the publication of new issues in its ten scientific journals.

Check out the new publications:

The scientific journals are published periodically, every six months, and their editions vary considerably, since they are published in a trilingual format (Spanish or Portuguese and English). Its mission is to disseminate knowledge through highly relevant scientific practices, processes and research.
These scientific publications follow a rigorous editorial methodology based on the evaluation by anonymous peers who, from different parts of the world, provide their expertise. This procedure ensures that each article makes a valuable contribution to the scientific body of knowledge.
Each journal has a distinguished editorial team made up of international researchers from renowned academic institutions. The very essence of these journals is to provide solid support to the academic and scientific communities in their arduous task of disseminating the achievements of their tireless research work. Acting as authentic academic channels for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, to promote equal opportunities among researchers.
The open access Multi-Lingual Scientific (MLS) Journals is promoted by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER), the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México (UNINI México), the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB), the Universidad de La Romana (UNIROMANA), the Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia (UNINCOL), the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza (UNIC) and the Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México.

Tags: FUNIBER, UNEATLANTICO Research, MLS Journals, Multi-Lingual Scientific (MLS) Journals, Revista Científica, UNEATLANTICO, UNEATLANTICO