UNEATLANTICO opens an exhibition bringing together two Pablo Picasso collections

13 Sep 2023
UNEATLANTICO opens an exhibition bringing together two Pablo Picasso collections

The director of the FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO’s Cultural Work, curator of the works and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Federico Fernandez, inaugurates the exhibition that includes two collections of the renowned Spanish painter and sculptor, Pablo Picasso: “La Tauromaquia” and “La Flauta Doble.”

The event took place in the exhibition hall of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) (UNEATLANTICO) and was attended by the lecturer and head of Cultural Extension, Helena Garay, who on behalf of the rector of the academic institution, Rubén Calderón, welcomed all those present.

The event was also attended by civilian and military authorities on the occasion of the AMETIC (Association of Electronic, Technological, Telecommunications and Digital Content Companies) Seminar held at the University’s facilities, with the participation of personalities such as the Chief of Defense Staff (JEMAD), Admiral General Teodoro Esteban López, and the Secretary of State for Defense, Amparo Valcarce García.

According to the dean, Picasso’s “La Tauromaquia” was published by Gustavo Gili in 1959, within the Ediciones la Cometa collection, with 26 sugar aquatints and a drypoint cover, illustrating Pepe Hillo’s book “La Tauromaquia o arte de torear.” He also stressed that this is the first time that the FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO’s Cultural Work exhibits the collection, and that it stands out for having been made on old Japanese paper, being one of only ten in the world.

In the case of the second collection, “La Flauta Doble,” it is a series made between 1932 and 1955, which draws on different influences, among which Goya and Dalí stand out. In it “you can find all the myths and questions that he reworked from the history of art and even from the Greco-Roman tradition,” as Fernández pointed out.