UNEATLANTICO celebrates the awarding of degrees to students from Guatemala who received scholarships from FUNIBER

05 Jun 2024
UNEATLANTICO celebrates the awarding of degrees to students from Guatemala who received scholarships from FUNIBER

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) together with the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México (UNINI Mexico) have organized a diploma award ceremony for Guatemalan students who have completed their online graduate studies through the scholarship plan of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER).

The table of honor was presided over by Dr. Eduardo Silva, executive director of FUNIBER Guatemala, who addressed the graduates to congratulate them and recognize their leadership qualities, such as perseverance and discipline. In addition, he invited them to become agents of change in the national reality from the different work areas in which each student works.

The table of honor was formed by Mgt. Felix Gutierrez, international academic coordinator of the Law Area of FUNIBER, Mgt. Daniel Veras, director of the Legal Center for Research and Development (CEINDE), together with Mgt. Ligia Lee, academic coordinator of the Political Science Area and the Communication and Humanities Area of FUNIBER.

Dr. Luis Dzul, rector of UNINI Mexico, and Dr. Ruben Calderon of UNEATLANTICO, sent a message of congratulations to the new professionals for their success.

The degrees cover various areas of knowledge, with a notable demand in the area of Psychology, where 11 graduates stand out, divided among the following degrees: Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, Master in Social and Community Intervention, Master in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership, Master in Criminal Psychology with Specialization in Forensic Psychology, Master in Health Psychology, University Expert in Human Resources Management and Specialization in Coaching.

The other academic programs are in the areas of knowledge of Environment, Teacher Training, Business, Humanities and Communication, Health and Nutrition, Engineering, Prevention and Quality, Sports, and Law and Political Science.

With this recognition to its students, UNEATLANTICO reaffirms its commitment to the professional training of people with the desire to conquer their goals and achieve higher degrees of knowledge in different disciplines, proving to be a fundamental pillar to promote new leaders.

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