The Nutritional Care Center launches the “RUNEAT” study for another year

26 Sep 2024
The Nutritional Care Center launches the “RUNEAT” study for another year

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The Department of Nutrition of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) restarts the search for participants for the study “RUNEAT”, which aims to analyze the eating and lifestyle habits and body composition of first and fourth year students and relate it to the occurrence of Eating Disorders.
The study is part of the doctoral thesis of Imanol Eguren, professor in the area of agri-food and PhD student in Nutrition. In addition, it is being supervised by Dr. Sandra Sumalla, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and by Dr. Iñaki Elío, academic director of the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the European University of the Atlantic.
Participation is as follows: as a first step, participants are asked to complete an Online Questionnaire with questions about lifestyle, diet and physical activity. Subsequently, a Body Composition Analysis Test will be performed at the University’s Nutrition Care Center to determine body weight and levels of fat percentage, muscle mass and bone mass. Finally, a Food Record will be completed over a three-day period to determine nutrient intake. Measurements will be taken at the beginning and end of the course to assess changes throughout the course.
If you are a first or fourth year student of any degree, please feel free to participate in the study and fill out the following registration form , the team will contact you shortly to start the process.
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