Sandra Sumalla, professor at UNEATLANTICO, publishes an article in the digital newspaper Alimente +

16 Jul 2024
Sandra Sumalla, professor at UNEATLANTICO, publishes an article in the digital newspaper Alimente +

Dr. Sandra Sumalla, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), publishes an article about the bikini operation with tips to avoid putting health at risk in the digital newspaper Alimente +, of El Confidencial.

Mainly, Sumalla makes it clear that “no one should be forced to change their body. In order to enjoy the summer and the vacations it is not necessary to change anything”.
Despite the fact that all normative and non-normative bodies are “bikini bodies”, nowadays it is difficult to escape from messages about our bodies. For this reason, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences emphasized that not all women have a flat abdomen and not all men have marked abs.
We must bear in mind that the important thing is not the physical aspect, but to enjoy good health, says Sumalla. In this line, it is important to keep in mind good food and nutrition. It is not a matter of making sudden changes in diet, but of following a healthy eating pattern throughout our lives. When we talk about health, it is not equivalent to quick and effortless changes, but quite the opposite.
She also explains the importance of the organs that carry out the “detoxification” processes and stresses the relevance of our body acceptance, along with following a healthy diet, seeking a balance that avoids feelings of guilt for certain foods.
Finally, from the European University of the Atlantic, we encourage all those interested in food to take any of the degrees that UNEATLANTICO offers in this area, such as Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Science and Technology, Gastronomy or Engineering of Agricultural and Food Industries.